Elders of First Nations Court in Duncan Gather to Weave Cedar Hats


November 17, 2022 – NCCABC received a community grant from Civil Forfeitures to support First Nation Court Elders to be able to host meetings, participate in cultural activities to strengthen their relationships and engage in team building activities. 

On Wednesday Oct 19th, 2022.  Local Weaver and member of Cowichan Tribes, Maria Point joined Elders of Duncan’s First Nations Court; Irma Peter, Diana Sampson, Raymond Charlie, Ernie Elliott, Linda Modeste, Florence Elliott, and Melvin Thomas for the day at Siem Lelum Gym in Duncan, BC. Maria was joined by her granddaughter as she shared her knowledge and skills as a Weaver to assist the Elders in created their own Cedar hats 

Between moments of silent concentration, the Elders laughed, joked, and shared stories and fond memories of the Weavers, Knitters, and Carvers in their families, among their friends, and in the community both past and present. The Elders also spoke of how much fun they had this day and how much the enjoyed weaving their own Cedar hats.