Protecting Indigenous Communities

The week of September 23, 2024

The Terrace Anti-Trafficking Youth Advisory Committee joined by the team from NCCABC presented a week of workshops on human trafficking awareness and prevention for students. The committee presentations were hosted by Thornhill Elementary, Caledonia Secondary, Hazelton Secondary, Parkside Secondary, Skeena Middle School, and Kermode Friendship Centre.

Event Gallery


“Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I know the team will be very excited to hear the feedback. There has been a tremendous amount of effort put into the project. I thought it was amazing, but I am so glad to hear that you thought so too. Thank you for sharing.”

Julia Nieckarz (she/her) Director of Instruction, Learner Support, Terrace, B.C.

“I was very happy and impressed with the work and knowledge shared with students to witness their perspectives and being involved of learning new information to help them understand this was valuable information that is life saving.”

Martha Woods

“Excellent presentation. Lots of information, and found that it was presented to the students in an engaging manner. Students were interested in the topic- relevant to their lives. Appreciated the way that there was a few different people that spoke, and a video for them to watch. The video was awesome- amazing work by the youth and adults involved.”

Sarah Knowles, counsellor at Skeena Middle School


Prana in the Park

This summer NCCABC’s Indigenous Outpatient Addiction Counselling & Detox Support Program launched a series of afternoons of free Yoga, music, ceremony and meditation in partnership with The Yoga Bar and the Prana Academy. These open sessions, enjoyed by all, were held at Harbour Green Park in Coal Harbour, Vancouver.

Denisiqi Celebrates 20 Years

Denisiqi anniversary celebration at the Tsilhqot’in National Goverment (TNG) office in Williams Lake, on Thursday, August 15th.

Tsilhqot’in Land Title Rights and Recognition

Redstone (Tsideldel) Chief Otis Guichon and Council Member delivering a couple of gifts on behalf of the Tsilhqot’in Nation to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during the 10 Year Anniversary Land Title Rights and Recognition Celebration on June 26th 2024.