NCCABC Proudly Supports Orange Shirt Day

September 27, 2024 – The Native Courtworker and Counselling Association of British Columbia (NCCABC) stands in solidarity with Indigenous communities across Canada in recognizing the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and Orange Shirt Day. These observances are vital moments to reflect on the painful legacy of the residential school system and its ongoing impacts on Indigenous peoples. They serve as powerful reminders of the injustices that Indigenous children and families faced, and continue to face, due to colonial policies and systemic discrimination.

As an organization dedicated to providing support, advocacy, and culturally informed services to Indigenous individuals navigating the justice system, the NCCABC reaffirms its commitment to truth, healing, and reconciliation. Orange Shirt Day, in particular, highlights the experiences of residential school survivors, their families, and communities. We honor the stories of survivors and the memory of those who never returned home, while acknowledging the strength and resilience of Indigenous peoples in their efforts to reclaim their culture, identity, and sovereignty.

On this day, we call on all Canadians to engage in meaningful reflection, education, and action. Reconciliation requires a collective effort to dismantle systemic inequities and to promote healing and understanding. The NCCABC remains dedicated to working toward a future where Indigenous peoples are treated with the dignity and respect they deserve, and where the truths of the past lead us toward justice and reconciliation.