How can Native Courtworkers help me?
Native Courtworkers will provide you with information and guidance if you are charged with an offence. We will explain the nature of the charge, how the criminal justice system works and can direct you to various services that meet your needs.
Can Native Courtworkers help me find a lawyer?
Yes. If you can afford to pay a lawyer, we can provide you a list of lawyers practicing in the area who specialize in your matter. We can also direct you to a Lawyer Referral Service where you can arrange an appointment with a lawyer for a minimal fee.
Can Native Courtworkers help me with legal aid?
Yes. Referrals for legal aid are done at court when you receive your Particulars (the details of the charge which is contained in a police report). We will review all legal information with you and provide a referral to a legal aid office.
Is there a fee for your service?
Our services are free for qualified individuals. Qualified individuals’ means persons of First Nations, Métis and Inuit descent. (Common law relationships are also considered).
Is everything I tell a Native Courtworker confidential?
Yes, however should you disclose a case of child abuse or neglect, it is required by law to immediately report it to the authorities. We practice the principles of the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) to protect the personal information of client documentation.
Can Native Courtworkers help me obtain my police report?
Yes. Your information will assist you to make an informed decision on how you want to proceed with charges.
Can Native Courtworkers assist in speaking to sentence?
Yes, if you do not qualify for legal aid or cannot afford a lawyer and all other legal support have been exhausted. If you decide to plead guilty, we can speak on your behalf. If you decide to plead not guilty, we can support you in the trial process.
Do Native Courtworkers make presentations to schools or community groups?
Yes, we are available to speak on our roles, and how we provide services to the criminal justice system and to our communities.